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Detox your body.

Heal your mind & soul.


I’m a mother to a gorgeous little boy called Theodore who you will often see on featured on the blog section of my website - which is a mixture of health/wellness, lifestyle and my Mum-hood journey, which has been a wonderful experience.


I spent many years working in communications for health, nutrition and functional food brands but I now work in health and wellness working on my own brand ‘Detox with Alana’. I’m strong, I’m healthy and I’m happy to be doing what I love: making the benefits of detox accessible/ creating detox programmes for people to heal themselves just like I did.


After years of depression and darkness, detox changed my life I and healed myself from a life of unhappiness. In three years, I have literally turned my life around and created the life of my dreams. I have also become a Mother which is something that has fulfilled a lifelong dream for me. 


You can do all my detox programs from the comfort of your own home - all you need is a juicer, some simple ingredients and a bit of time to dedicate to yourself for the week.






£99 make your own juice


£349 buy the JUICE

 from our Partner 


(London only)  





Free Initial Consultation

exclusive& bespoke

to your needs 

available NOW 


Follow me on Instagram for all of your detox inspiration, lifestyle and food ideas.

My program will help to gently reset your body: you will really feel the benefits and you will not want to return to old unhealthy habits as you will have gained the tools you need to take your health and wellness into your own hands.


The detox is not only focused on nutrition, but also your mind – you are likely to experience a deep sense of inner calm and find that your mind will have a lot more clarity.


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